One last time πŸ’œ by Priyanka Pradeep on 18/11/22

 The day has arrived... I officially graduated from Mar Theophilus Training College. The journey started on 6th Jan, the urge to write the blog was purely coz of my love to pen down moments. As it went down it became a routine. When it was said that we need to update blog as part of our course  i initially felt stressful . I didn't want others to be in any trouble coz of my daily update . When it all came to an end am happy that my blog actually turn out to be useful πŸ’œ (especially 4th semπŸ˜‚) Lots to share but I think some should be left as such coz we might ruin the beauty with which it's inked in the mind. All i have to say is a big thankyou to all those who were with me in this journey πŸ’œ Mirage moments ends here with the hope of unfolding a new chapter some day πŸ’«

PP-CGAR by Priyanka Pradeep on 22/2/2021

A new week, headed to college early. When entered all were busy studying when enquired it was idealism and naturalism Yaya! Maya miss had told to prepare for a test today. After a week's break Anushya Chechi came that too this day (it was her birthdayπŸ’). Today's phonetic lab exercise was given by Jis, a student from another class was made to learn the pronunciation of two new words. 

First hour Giby miss taught more on the scope of educational psychology. Today's topic was learning environment. After that Maya miss came we all were busy preparing but to our surprise mam didn't conduct. Since new students were there who are yet to get notes she decided to post pone the test.

Mam after finishing off realism moved on to the topic Maxims of teaching. Maxims meant maximum teaching. A few terms that come under were General - particular, seen - unseen etc... 

We also learned about Herbartian steps involved in lesson planning. We even worked out a code to memorize the steps, my own invention was "PP-CGAR" that is PP my own name +CGAR which meant in Hindi cigarette( πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚which sounds odd but I can easily memorize it though)

After that optional period, mam gave some notes followed by seminar presentation by Anooja chechi then ma'am showed us some videos related to behaviourism

After lunch went to collect the photocopies from store that I had given the previous day, with Sreepriya. 

After that Ancy mam class, ma'am gave notes on classroom communication then took the test that she had told. Joju sir hour was the last for the day after which headed back home... 


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