One last time 💜 by Priyanka Pradeep on 18/11/22

 The day has arrived... I officially graduated from Mar Theophilus Training College. The journey started on 6th Jan, the urge to write the blog was purely coz of my love to pen down moments. As it went down it became a routine. When it was said that we need to update blog as part of our course  i initially felt stressful . I didn't want others to be in any trouble coz of my daily update . When it all came to an end am happy that my blog actually turn out to be useful 💜 (especially 4th sem😂) Lots to share but I think some should be left as such coz we might ruin the beauty with which it's inked in the mind. All i have to say is a big thankyou to all those who were with me in this journey 💜 Mirage moments ends here with the hope of unfolding a new chapter some day 💫

GUNDUMULAKU 😁 by Priyanka Pradeep on 18/2/2021

 The last minute decorations, we all came a bit early to decorate our classrooms. First session was yoga. Sir as usual started off with a prayer song. Today we brushed up some postures that helps our neurological disorders. Mainly the postures were done in "vajrasana". We even learned some head rotations and eye exercises.

 Next hour was taken by Maya miss. Ma'am taught about "Realism" today. Realism a concept that bares the idea that objects can exist even without being known at all. It's a philosophy of common sense. I could connect more with this compared to the other two concepts (idealism and naturalism).

During the short break along with Sreepriya went to have some refreshments in canteen. To my surprise almost all were there ( canteen boy did earn alot today for sure! 😂) 

Ancy mam came next to engage us. Mam completed the session dealing with language teaching and learning she with the help of PowerPoint presentation (ppt) explained the ideas and thus we could understand it even more clearly.

Next session was by Archana miss who came to introduce us the basis of psychology. It was our first class with her. 

She focused on the different schools of psychology like structuralism, functionalism etc.. 

After the effective session, had lunch and then Giby miss occupied the next hour. The next scope of educational psychology that is learning process was the topic discussed. To make us understand more miss connected it with how a horse can be brought near a water tank but it cannot be made to drink from it unless it wants to. Ma'am asked us to give ways to make it drink and connect it with how a child can be made to learn.

Many funny and thought provoking idea's were given by friends. Among which one was really good too that is, we can mix some food (preferably that horse like) in the water thus making it drink  automatically without any force like vice a student can be made to learn by teaching in a way that promote the child's interest too.

Brother from our class gave a funny idea that we can make the horse have some mental stress like not giving it any water for day's and if it still refuse to drink then we can provide a gundumulaku (Salem gundu chillie) to make it drink, all bursted out in laughter... 😂

Mam at last explained that we need to apply a soap technique (also called salt technique) to make children learn. The technique is very familiar to all its something we have applied atleast once in our life for sure. It's simply how for example when we badly want something to be done by our parents like letting us go for a college tour we would try to please them by doing things like helping mom in kitchen or taking tea to dad etc.. (Soap idukaa😅😂).

The session then ended and library period followed. After that we had club activity. Principal and other faculty members came to allot us in different clubs. Principal sir introduced the variety of clubs that college provided to enhance our over all development in different fields. Around 12 clubs are there. We were asked to note down our interest clubs. Since I wanted to try something different from literature oriented I choosed"Eco Club". We were then asked to sit according to clubs and a president, secretory and vice president were selected. With others support I began the president of the club though am  bit scared I happily accepted the responsibility.

Yet another memorable day ended... 


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